
Emergencies or Disasters

In the event of a major disaster (fire, earthquake, flood) during school hours, children will be kept at school. They will be released only to previously authorized individuals. The exception would be in the event of a serious injury, when we would send the child for emergency medical care. It is absolutely imperative that the Emergency Card and Student Release Card at school be kept current and accurate. It is the primary document used to locate you or the people you’ve designated to pick up your child. Your child will NOT be released to anyone who is not on this emergency card.

Telephone systems quickly become overloaded in an emergency, so please do not try to phone the school. Instead, come to school or send a person from your emergency card to pick up your child. Check your local radio and television stations for information during local disasters and emergencies. Mark your local radio station on your radio’s dial. Your child should be made familiar with these stations and their roles in local emergencies.

Emergency Procedures

What to do in an Emergency

While emergencies are not something we expect to happen, it is important to prepare for any eventuality. Forestville School is dedicated to the safety of our students and is proactive in communicating and upgrading our emergency procedures and policies.

We have also implemented an emergency alert system to notify parents in the event of an emergency during school hours.

Emergency Operations Plan

Our Emergency Operations Plan is updated annually and approved by the Board. It includes Actions to be taken in different types of emergencies such as Fire, Earthquake, Lockdown or Shelter in Place. Anyone wishing to view our EOP may make an appointment with the District Office by calling 707-887-9767.

Safety Drills – Our staff and students practice safety drills regularly. Fire Drills are practiced once monthly, Earthquake Drills are quarterly and Shelter in Place and Lockdown Drills are twice annually.

School Closures – If there is a power outage, flooding or emergency situation that calls for a school closure the school district will notify you by calling, emailing, social media, radio and the school marquee.

Tune in to KSRO 1350 AM or KXST 100.1 for information on school closures during storms or power outages

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